Heading to Roanoke VA with Mr. Rockstar

08 Sep

Today is our 2 year wedding anniversary! YAY! It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. 

happy anniversary

Mr. Rockstar called me this morning around 10 o’clock and told me he has to go to Roanoke, VA and he has to leave this afternoon. Since we don’t want to spend our 2 year wedding anniversary apart I’m going with him. My bag is almost packed. I’m dressed and ready. My WIP is now saved onto the desktop of my iBook and if internet is available will be synced to Dropbox. The only thing I don’t have time to do is charge the batteries for my camera but I’m prepared with a pack of the non-rechargeable ones.  

Needless to say, being on the road with my husband wasn’t exactly what we had planned for our anniversary, but it’s not all bad. We’ll have quality time together (my son lives with us so it’s not like we’d be completely alone if we were home together tonight), and we’ll have a date tonight somewhere new. 

Looking forward to being inspired by the view from the road… Hope everyone has a great day!!!


1 Comment

Posted by on September 8, 2014 in Inspiration, Life, Traveling, Writing


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One response to “Heading to Roanoke VA with Mr. Rockstar

  1. TheCatssMeoww

    September 8, 2014 at 1:50 pm

    Awe this is so sweet. Happy anniversary!!!!

    Liked by 1 person


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